Acquired Gambling Related Domains has decided to acquire This move is said to help enhance the share of on the sports betting market. However, it isn’t quite a small investment. The company had to pay around £2 million in upfront payment with deferred compensation valued £4.5 million that can be paid for one year.
In addition to this already big acquisition, the deal also includes 76 other digital assets plus the domains and There were underdeveloped domains included in the acquisition such as as well as However, all of these assets have been used in order to generate revenue from the regulated UK sports betting market.
A Great Investment
But despite the large amount of money that was thrown into the investment, mentioned that it has generated £600,000 for them in the fourth quarter of 2017 alone.
Charles Gillespie, the chief executive of mentioned that “This is both the largest and most exciting acquisition we have done since we began acquiring in 2017”.
“These websites perfectly complement our existing portfolio in terms of both increasing our sports betting market share and continuing with our focus on big brands and big domains”.
US Supreme Court and Sports Betting
Gillespie also touched on the topic of the potential decision of the US Supreme Court regarding sports betting as well as the Christie vs. NCAA case. He mentioned that “Should Governor Chris Christie triumph at the Supreme Court and strike down the federal ban on sports-betting, stands ready with the strongest domain portfolio of any performance marketing company for the American sports betting market”
US and Sports Betting
It wasn’t the first time that the federal law was challenged in the US. New Jersey, in 2012, managed to pass a law that has challenged the ban. Supreme Court is set to decide by June. According to legislators, it is also a good idea for Connecticut to already have a law ready by June once the Supreme Court made its decision.
There are republicans that aren’t really going all out to support sports gambling though. For instance, Senator Len Fasano mentioned that he might actually support sports betting only if it is done carefully and not rushed. He said that there are a number of hurdles that still have to be taken into consideration first. And unfortunately, he believes that it takes more than three years in order for all the issues to be cleared and ready to go.
But of course, supporters of sports gambling want nothing but faster results. The bottom line is that there are many questions that need to be answered. For instance, would Connecticut offer sports betting online? If the Supreme Court allowed Sports betting, how exactly are the rules going to work?
One thing is for sure though. is already set to make the move in case the ban on sports betting has been reversed soon. In fact, Gambling is growing online, though largely illegal in the US. With the right legislation, it is possible for states to generate revenues from this activity, which is something that isn’t actually that simple.