Real Money Gambling News

Gamblers Find Alternative Betting Options Amid Pandemic


The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has resulted in the cancellation of lots of sporting activities and events across the world. Needless to say, this has left sports betting enthusiasts with very little to bet on. While there those who have opted to wait out the pandemic hoping things will get back to normal very soon, there are diehard sports betting enthusiasts that are finding alternative betting options.

Sporting activities are not the only ones that have been affected. Most retail casino facilities have since suspended their operations in a bid to help in the fight against COVID-19. All of these closures have certainly been a big blow to gamblers whose daily social lives may have involved enjoying a bit of betting.

All is not lost though.

The Alternatives

Obviously, the next best thing, especially for casino enthusiasts, is online gambling sites. Lots of operators have had to ramp up the efforts to deliver on great online gambling offerings. There is currently a massive uptick in web traffic as more people try to stay busy and entertained while in isolation. That said, online gaming operators who ensured that their online platforms are robust enough are certainly making a killing.

Sports betting, on the other hand, is a totally different ball game. As mentioned earlier, a good chunk of the sporting activities across the globe have either been canceled or postponed. This has not stopped avid sports bettors from finding things to bet on though – thankfully, there are quite a number of great options available.

Now sports betting enthusiasts are placing bets on such things as social rituals, sumo wrestling, obscure soccer leagues, table tennis (ping pong) and even animated horse racing among others. All of these options were definitely not this popular before the pandemic put a stop to all of the other sporting activities. Still, they have proven to be great ways for people to have fun while staying at home. Hopefully, they remain as popular even when things finally return to normal.

Concerns About Gambling Addiction

While online casinos and other forms of gambling have been touted a great way for many people to get through the trying period where they cannot leave their homes, some experts are calling for more iGaming regulations. This primarily stems from concerns pertaining to gambling addiction or irresponsible gambling that will be fueled by the isolation.

Authorities in places like the United Kingdom are already being nudged to look into the matter and they probably will by liaising with operators in order to come up with better safeguards against gambling-related harm.

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